Pacific 2 You is the exclusive flower provider for graduation.
Place your order online today and we will have your order ready for pick up at the ceremony on graduation day!

Choose School:

How does preordering work?

Shop and select your graduates gifts from available items online.

Check out and pay for your order securely by clicking on the shopping cart icon.

Bring your receipt to the event and pick up your order. We setup at the main entrance a few hours early so we will be ready with your order.

Helpful Notes:

  • You can choose from a variety of different color roses when you pick up your order.
  • You can bring your receipt in any form (e.g. digital copy, paper copy).
  • If you forget your receipt it’s no problem. We have a list of all orders, just bring some form of I.D. as proof of purchase.
  • On-site order pickup only! We do NOT ship or deliver graduation orders.
  • Refunds and exchanges. We are flexible so if you want something different or change your mind we can help.